Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You Can't Drink All Day if You Don't Start in the Morning

Jota and I are old balls. For the first time in all my drinking years, I did nothing for St Patty's Day. Didn't call in sick to work, didn't slam an Irish Car Bomb, didn't chug green beer, and certainly didn't wear my "Irish Whiskey Makes Me Frisky" shirt.

I actually ended up at the gym, worked my tushie off (seriously, it's getting smaller), and then came home to make dinner. Debated meeting up with Kel and Da at Finn McCool's on Main Street, but upon hearing the line was around the block, decided it was not meant to be.

The next time St Patty's Day falls on a weekend is 2012. I will be 30. Yikes.

Kusi is in town again. Why did that kid move to Boulder? He should have stayed here, and commuted there. Just stole your joke J.

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